Q: Do I need a permit?
A: All grading projects require a permit, with the exception of agricultural clearing with the intent to re-plant. Click on link below to get directed to Riverside County Building & Safety, it outlines all steps necessary to get your grading approved.
Q: Why do I need grading?
A: Grading (where creating a pad is concerned) is required when developing any kind of structure. Some people think we are "just moving dirt," which is very well true, however, this is probably the most crucial part of the building process. Proper grading and achieving maximum compaction sets the foundation for a sound structure. During the grading process it is required to get compaction reports by a soils engineer to ensure at least 90% compaction results are achieved.
Q: Can I get a quote over the phone?
A: It is best that we come and do an on site assessment so we can give you an accurate estimate. We also like to meet our clients and discuss all your needs. Please call 951-302-9792 to schedule.
Q: I just bought land, what do I do next?
A: While grading contractors are the first contractor to break ground on your project, this is not the first step. You will first need to work with a civil engineer to develop a grading plan. Also consider that you will need an Edison and an underground treatment (if applicable) also. We have relationships with engineers, etc we highly recommend and can share that info with you.
Q: What is erosion control?
A: Erosion control is the practice of preventing or controlling wind or water erosion in agriculture, land development, coastal areas, river banks and construction. The Building Official may require a Best Management Practices (BMP) permit to conduct certain types of inspections; including but not limited to the following types of inspections: Pre-Construction Inspection, NPDES Construction inspections, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) BMP inspections, Annual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) inspections, Bond Release inspections and Air Quality inspections.
Q: I don't want to complete everything on my grading plan at once, can I just do some of it?
A: Everything that is outlined on your final approved grading plan must be completed and will be required to pass your final inspection.
Q: How can BGI help?
A: We have the capacity to complete your precise grading plan in its entirety. This is what sets us apart from other grading contractors. We can offer these services in-house so you only have to deal with one contractor. This means we will handle staking, rough and finish grade, erosion and SWPPP, storm drains, rip raps, and v-ditches. We can also handle the geotechnical services if you would prefer us to take care of everything for you. Past and future appreciate that we can offer this. We can also install your utilities such as Edison, water and phone and even septic and advanced treatment systems. If you are in the very beginning stages, we have great referrals of civil engineers and building contractors.
Our goal is to help your building process along as smoothly as possible. In construction, time is money! Your time and our time is equally important to ensure a successful project completion.